Author: Leah Paterson

Tis the Season

I love this time of year, it is exciting and lots of fun, but also exhausting and stressful. After a couple of quiet years, this is the first full year back in the “real” world and everyone is exhausted. If you are feeling this way, you aren’t the only one, we are all worn out. […]

Amy’s Grand Fondo

Well, it’s just over a week away and hopefully you have all your training done. The week before an event is time to recover, rest and get ready for the big day. Whether you’ve done it ten times or it’s your first time, the preparation is the same. Here are a few tips on preparing […]

Time to come out of hibernation

Only a few more weeks of winter left, the days are starting to get longer and (thankfully) warmer. If you are like me and have hibernated over the last few months, getting back into exercise can be daunting. Here are a few bits of advice for those of you starting back exercising: Start off easy.If […]

Use it or Lose It!

Got health insurance? Did you know your extras don’t roll over year to year? Most insurance companies have a cut off on the 31st December, so if you haven’t used all your extras for the year, you’ll lose them. Why pay all that money for your premiums when you aren’t getting what you deserve? Come […]

Expectations vs Reality

You’ve just spent the last 18 or so months in lockdown. You are tight and sore from either sitting around doing nothing or, you went on one of those crazy lockdown exercise frenzies (don’t get me started on the burpee challenge!) and are now desperate for someone to fix your poor broken body. Can it […]

Re-Start Friday 22nd October 2021

Yes! Great news this morning with lockdown ending this Thursday. I am so excited to get back to work and see all my wonderful clients. Bookings are open, starting Friday 22nd October, there are a few spots available for the week starting Monday 25th October. If you cannot get the day or time you want, […]

Lockdown 6 Update

Well, yesterday the government announced their roadmap for the next few months. From my understanding, I will remain closed for a further five weeks, until the 26th October 2021. I am awaiting confirmation from my association, however, going on the last 18mths, that date will not change. When I am allowed to re-open, I will […]

Victorian Lockdown 5.0

Well, the announcement yesterday wasn’t surprising and with 22 more cases today, it is justified for us to stay locked down for another week. After the shock announcement last week and the subsequent tanty (I have to admit that I stopped watching the news a long time ago), I am now resigned to the fact […]

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