Pre Event Massage

With the National Champs coming up in a couple of weeks, club pride is on the line once again. Who will be the best time trial & crit teams in the country? SKCC took the mantle last year and my sources tell me they are well on track to do it again.

If you are competing, how prepared are you? My guess is that you’ve done plenty of training, but how is your body feeling?

Coming into the last two weeks prior to competition, you will be tapering. Have you organised your pre event massage to ensure your body is in the best possible condition to perform? Typically, a pre event massage, for people who get regular treatments, should be two to three days prior to competition. This gives your body plenty of time to recover and be ready to perform.

The pre event massage is designed to freshen up the body and get it ready for competition. It’s more about flushing out the muscles, the pressure is lighter so you don’t end up feeling sore.

Hot Tip: The day after your massage, go for a light spin, you won’t feel great at the start but after about 20mins, you’ll start feeling lighter and smoother with your pedalling. After that, it’s all up to you and your team!

I have opened up my schedule Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Nationals week to ensure all my client competing can get their pre event massage. Spots have started filling up, so get onto it quickly. It could be the difference between a podium spot or going home with nothing!

Pre Event Massage

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