You’ve just spent the last 18 or so months in lockdown. You are tight and sore from either sitting around doing nothing or, you went on one of those crazy lockdown exercise frenzies (don’t get me started on the burpee challenge!) and are now desperate for someone to fix your poor broken body. Can it […]
Re-Start Friday 22nd October 2021
Yes! Great news this morning with lockdown ending this Thursday. I am so excited to get back to work and see all my wonderful clients. Bookings are open, starting Friday 22nd October, there are a few spots available for the week starting Monday 25th October. If you cannot get the day or time you want, […]
Lockdown 6 Update
Well, yesterday the government announced their roadmap for the next few months. From my understanding, I will remain closed for a further five weeks, until the 26th October 2021. I am awaiting confirmation from my association, however, going on the last 18mths, that date will not change. When I am allowed to re-open, I will […]
Lockdown 6
The business is temporarily closed due to the current lockdown. I am hopeful to return Friday 3rd September 2021. Stay safe, follow the rules and wear a mask!
Victorian Lockdown 5.0
Well, the announcement yesterday wasn’t surprising and with 22 more cases today, it is justified for us to stay locked down for another week. After the shock announcement last week and the subsequent tanty (I have to admit that I stopped watching the news a long time ago), I am now resigned to the fact […]
Finally, the lockdown that nearly broke us all is over…for now! I’d love to say I’m open from midnight, but realistically, who wants a treatment at 1am?! I will be open this Friday afternoon from 12:45pm to 6pm and…..drum roll please….Saturday. Yes, that’s right folks, lockdown has sent me crazy and I’m opening on this rarest of rare occasions […]
Hello All, Just a quick note to say that my assistants and I will be taking a break next week. We will be away from Monday 24th May – Monday 31st May 2021. We will be back, refreshed and raring to go, Tuesday 1st June 2021. Cheers, Leah
I had my flu shot today. Even though I am eligible for the Covid vaccine, there are none available so I thought, why not get ahead of the game and get my flu shot. I want to stay as healthy as possible for my clients.
Reopening Tomorrow
I am very happy to announce that Finely Tuned Myotherapy will be open from tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who followed the rules and stayed home, it certainly has been a quiet few days. The only rule that stays in place is wearing masks inside, so please remember to wear one when you come in for […]
This time last year I was putting the finishing touches on my new room, re-starting my business after a year off. I was very excited to start a new chapter in an exciting new environment. For 8 years, I have been running my business. In that time, I have reinvented myself several times, each time […]